WORKSHOP “Introduction to Lower-Limb Exoskeletons”

REASISTE Network (Assistive Iberoamerican Network for Patients with Neurologic Damage through Low-Cost Exoskeletons) from CYTED (Iberoamerican Program for Science and Technological Development) organizes next October 22nd the workshop “Introduction to Lower-Limb Exoskeletons” This workshop is configured as an introduction course on lower limb exoskeleton development, starting on its motivations until the commercial exploitation. Taking advantage […]

Spain VR 2016

Organized by Google's Partners at Spain, during this event there will be presented the most innovative VR projects by their developers. Last developments from main VR Spanish Companies will be presented too. Go to Post

1st Augmented Human Conference

  Know the technological aspects that will mark the horizon of the human being, know the possibilities of enhancing the capacities and abilities that will allow us to immerse ourselves in the next digital revolution.