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Movement Sculptures – Edited Video. BeMoved.

Final editing of the recording for Movement Sculptures. BeMoved Project.

Surface Testing for Exo-H3.

Tests carried out at the Hospital los Madroños de Brunete as part of the SALOEXO project. The aim of this project is to define the Key Security Indicators for the exoskeletons of the future.

Tom Weksler improvisation MoCap

Tom Weksler movements are recorded with Tech-MCS while he improvised dancing. Performance within the BeMoved project from Christian Chegne.

Technaid at Hora Tech.

Interview at HoraTech to talk about Technaid’s Exo-H3, its uses, the technology behind it and the steps to be taken in the future.

YBOA 2017 – Second Day Performance (Tech-MCS MoCap)

Second day performance at Your Brain On Art Conference, Becky Valls(UH), together with Woody Witt and Dario Robleto, performs an impromptu equipped with EEG and Motion Capture System.

SMARTWEARABLE final demonstrator.

In this video we show how our latest prototype ankle rehabilitation robot works. This system has been developed by Technaid together with the Neurorehabilitation Group of the CSIC within the European project DIATOMIC (GA No.761809).

Motion Capture of Becky Valls Rehearsal

Becky Valls rehearses with the Tech-MCS Motion Capture System to prepare her next day performance.

Exo-H3 at Exo-Berlin 2019

Attendee trying Exo-H3 at Exo-Berlin 2019.

ColRobot Project Video

Tech-MCS captures the movements for Human Robot Interaction.

Exo-H2 at Hospital de Parapléjicos de Toledo

Exo-H2 routines at Hospital de Parapléjicos de Toledo.

Tech MCS Sports Demonstration

Tech MCS, motion capture system for high performance sports analysis.

BioMot European Project

Tech-MCS is used to generate the muscleskeletal model.

Introducing TECH MCS (EN)

Technaid presents the Tech-MCS. An overview of the system is made.

Exo-H2 standing up and walk

Now the Exo-H2 knows how to stand up and start to walk. Through a trigger in a hand and wearing the Exo-H2, the patient can stand up and start to walk without help of physicians.

Tech IMU CV4 Waterproof Test

This video shows the Tech IMU CV4 performance to measure underwater. The test was made measuring the angle underwater from the initial position of one Tech IMU CV4 for 3 hours continuously. At the end of the video the total signal measured is showing. No drift is detected.

Exo-H2 Presentation at BID_14

Demonstration of H2 exoskeleton at ‘Cuarta Bienal Iberoamericana de Diseño’, November 2014

Stairs Test

This video shows a test where the Tech MCS, developed by Technaid, is used to capture human motion for up and down stairs. The test was made with three velocities.

Exo-H2 demonstration at Real Academia Ciencias

Technaid’s Exo-H2 demo at Real Academia de las Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Tech IMU V4 Robustness Under Magnetic Perturbations

This video shows a Tech IMU V4 robustness test. Seven Tech IMUs V4 were used to measure the joint angles of a lower limbs exoskeleton (Exo H2) for 30 minutes in order to evaluate their drift under magnetic perturbations.

Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation (Exo-H2) – 09/02/2014

TV news report on Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation. It explains the new technics developed at Niño Jesús Hospital for CP rehabilitation. Exo – H2 is showed at the end of the report.

Tech-MCS demo on Skiing

The main goal was to test the Bluetooth® wireless connection performance for a long distance. The system worked very good with more than 200 meters

Exo-H2 at BID_14 on TV news report (November 2014)

TV news report about first spanish’s lower limb exoeskeleton the Exo-H2. Recorded at BID_14.

3D Avatar Animation

Tech MCS Studio’s avatar demonstration within our Tech MCS System.

Technaid Leading Motion

Short summary about our research and products (2004 – 2014)