This 2020 has been very complicated year for everyone. We, from our side, have done the impossible to continue with our usual activity: developing and manufacturing high-tech equipment and carrying out research projects.

We started the year off by closing the SmartWearable sub-project (Diatomic Project) and we want to say goodbye to it introducing the SALOEXO project which officially started in November and in which we participate together with the Neurorehabilitation Group of the CSIC (NRG) and the Hospital los Madroños, which specialises in neurorehabilitation.

SALOEXO is a sub-project within the COVR project that has been running since 2018 and is dedicated to coordinating and financing the generation of protocols for all types of collaborative robots. COVR is financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under agreement code 779966 and its consortium is made up of The Danish Technological Institute (DTI), The Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission and Roessingh Research and Development

The objective of SALOEXO is to propose ad-hoc quantitative indicators, protocols and sensors to monitor and verify the safety of exoskeletons in realistic dynamic tasks. To this end, Technaid will participate in the integration of various sensor technologies in its Exo-H3 device, in order to collect the information proposed and logged by the NRG, at the facilities and with the professionals of Hospital Los Madroños.

We would like to thank COVR’s partners for the confidence they have placed in our project in order to study how to improve the safety of future exoskeletons. We would also like to thank our consortium partners for their collaboration and willingness to make our research work fruitful. See the below video with some of the first integration trials.

To all of you who read us, we wish you a better 2021 than this 2020… and 2019 and 2018…

A hug and Happy Holidays.