Last June the EUROBENCH Summit took place in the facilities built by the project at the Hospital Los Madroños (Brunete – Madrid). This event was the culmination of the Eurobench Project that has been underway since the beginning of 2018 and has come to an end in the middle of this 2022.

The EUROBENCH Summit event allowed the organizing consortium, to gather all the participants of FSTP1 and FSTP2 in the facilities to show their results and to do network. Over the course of two days, institutional presentations of the project results were made to local public representatives, such as the Regional Health Minister of Madrid, and two master classes on human-machine interaction were given by international university professors such as Katja Mombaur (University of Waterloo – Canada) and Nicola Vitiello, associate professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa (Italy). A prize was also awarded to the best poster resulting from the experiments carried out by the different FSTPs and the test beds and the results obtained within the project were presented to the scientific community.

We really enjoyed those two days being surrounded by friends, colleagues and in general people interested in our same scientific field. Sharing that time and space is for us not only a pleasure, but also a privilege. As well as being able to put faces to people with whom you have collaborated remotely during the last years as the various teams that have used our Exo-H3 lower limb exoskeleton for their tests.

The EUROBENCH project is comprised by: the Neuro Rehabilitation group of CSIC, Los Madroños Hospital, the Italian Institute of Technology, the University of Heidelberg, the Roessingh Research and Development center, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Össur, IUVO, PAL Robotics, Altran and innCome I+D+i and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through grant agreement No. 779963.

We would like to give the project our full support for the future and thank the staff for their involvement in it.

See you in future events. Best regards!!