Introducing ROS on Exo-H3

At Technaid we started the course with enthusiasm and with a great desire to continue pushing forward R+D in assistive robotics and rehabilitation. This does not mean that we have been stopped in the last months. On the contrary, we have been working on projecting the...

Collaboration EUROBENCH – Technaid

Technaid has started to collaborate with the European project H2020 EUROBENCH (“European Robotic Framework for Bipedal Locomotion Benchmarking”). Thus, in an initial phase of the project, they will share a laboratory for biomechanical analysis equipped...

End of EU Sub-Project SmartWearable (SAE – Diatomic)

This week we have successfully concluded our participation in the European Diatomic Project (GA No.761809), through which we have worked, together with the CSIC, in the development of a new device for robotic rehabilitation. Our sub-project, called SMARTWEARABLE, has...

Summer School on Neurorehabilitation 2019

Last week we attended to the Summer School in Neurorehabilitation (SSNR2019) organized by the Cajal Institute Neurorehabilitation Group, within CSIC, together with Imperial College London. In this edition we were able to enjoy the master classes of, among others, Levi...

EU Project DIATOMIC bootcamp at Stuttgart

This week, at the facilities that Fraunhofer IPA has in Stuttgart, the 1st Bootcamp, within the Diatomic European Project, has taken place. This Project has received fundings from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant...