Last week Technaid attended, together with Dr. Ángel Gil, Head of the Rehabilitation Service of the Paraplegics Hospital of Toledo, the Hot Topics Trauma 2018 event. This event is focused on the most current aspects in the field of traumatology, trying these in an agile and dynamic way.
On the second day of the Hot Topics Trauma, we had the opportunity to show the Exo-H2 to the attendees once Dr. Gil exposed the methodology used to conduct a study on the use of robotic means in the rehabilitation of spinal patients.
During our stay in Barcelona we were also able to approach the Guttmann Institute, a reference center in the field of neurorehabilitation in Spain, to be able to provide the training required for the use of our H2 Exoskeleton. The Technaid device will be used, along with the one already available at the Paraplegics Hospital of Toledo, to expand the sample in the investigations that are being carried out with it.
Despite the rain, our visit to Barcelona was very productive and we hope to be back in the near future. Through this channel we will update you the next events we will attend during this 2018, that has just begun